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Offering Additional Resources

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 5:06 am
by jebinkhatunseo
Since your ad recipients are interested in what your competitors have to say, they’ll most likely be interested in you too. You’re stealing away market share from your Italy Phone Number List competitors, one conversion at a time, since your competitors are hoping that their email leads to a conversion for themselves. You’re going to find that it works tremendously well for high-ticket industries that have longer sales cycles, but also great for small-ticket items too.
This is because some high ticket industries pay over $50-$100 per click on the Search Network, but only $0.20 with GSP ads. 2. Supersize It, Please: Use Display Layers To Improve Your Display Targeting This next AdWords Display hack is as much a money maker as it is a mouth drooler. Consider for a second that all of your AdWords Display targeting options are one big, fat, juicy burger (if you’re vegan, please substitute for a veggie patty). Each layer of this ‘display burger’ is a different targeting option, and the more layers you add, the more specific your targeting burger gets.burger layers Placements: Actual URLs you want to target. You can use a tool like WhatRunsWhere to see where your current competitors are having their Display ads show and target those directly as well. Contextual: This is just a fancy word for keyword targeting. Give Google the keywords, and it will find “relevant” placements for your ads (heavy air quotes on the relevant part). Interests: This is people-based targeting and is considered a stronger way to understand your audience’ browsing behaviors across different sites. There are two types of interest layers you can target: Affinity Audiences: People who have long-term interests, like gardening. In-Market Audiences: People whose browsing behavior shows that they’re ready to buy. Topics: This is a group of websites that relate to a similar topic.