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6 Simple Steps to Writing Seductive Web Copy

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:41 am
by Jannat12
How seductive are you? I’m not a great seducer. I don’t have a string of conquests to boast about. I’m no modern Cleopatra. But as a marketer and copywriter, I’ve studied the seductive techniques that big brands use to win customers. How does Apple tempt us to part with our hard-earned cash and trade in a perfectly fine iPhone 4 for an iPhone 5? How did Amazon ever persuade me to read books on a Kindle when I love the look, feel, and smell of real books? The “secret” to writing seductive web copy is to follow a proven 6-step process. To get started, you need to know exactly who you want to seduce … 1. Describe your ideal reader Describing (and visualizing) your ideal reader makes your web copy much more vivid and personal. This doesn’t mean that you will sell your product or service only to that person. It means that whoever closely matches your ideal reader should feel that your content is written for him. Your ideal reader should become like an imaginary friend.

You should know your ideal Phone Number List reader so well that you can start a conversation with her at any time. You know when she shakes her head because you say something she doesn’t agree with. You know what makes her smile or laugh. You know the questions she asks. You know how to charm and flatter her. When describing your ideal reader, don’t just think about demographics like age, gender, income, education, and family circumstances. Do you know what he dreams of achieving? And what keeps her awake at 3am? Whenever you’re writing web copy, imagine that you’re writing for your ideal reader. Your writing will become more charming, more interesting, and more persuasive. 2. Create a comprehensive list of features, benefits, and objections You love to talk about your company. Your products. Your services. Maybe you’re excited about the recent improvements you’ve made to your service, or about the new skills you’ve learned. Or, maybe you’ve spent many months developing new features for your products. You’re selling your product or service, so that’s what you need to write about, right? Wrong. The hard truth is that nobody is interested in you, your company, or your products, because people are only interested in themselves.


Famous direct response copywriters like John Caples, Eugene Schwartz, and Joe Sugarman have all said it: To sell your products, you need to focus on the benefits to your readers. Before you start writing your web copy, finalize your research: Create a full list of features and specifications Translate each feature into a benefit for your ideal reader Consider the problems you help avoid Write down the objections to buying from you and decide how you can address them Doing research and planning your web copy will help you create more seductive web copy. 3. Develop an enticing value proposition Is your value proposition your magic pick-up line? Many guys think you only need to know a few magic words to seduce a girl, but that’s — of course — far from the truth. You need to know the right words to start a conversation, so that a girl gives you the opportunity to show her how much fun it is to be with you.