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Shopify Starter Plan Review (July 2022): Sell on Shopify for Only $5

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:26 am
by hasinakhatun
Marketed as “Selling for starters,” the Shopify Starter plan is an entry-level ecommerce plan from Shopify, which helps users sell products online without complicated tools, high pricing, or even the need for your own website. In this Shopify Starter plan review, we explore the Phone Number List differences between this plan and the rest from Shopify, by touching on facets like pricing, features, and customer support.

We’ll also elaborate on who should consider the Shopify Starter plan, since it’s definitely not for everyone.


Shopify Starter Plan and its pricing, features, and more
Shopify Starter Plan: At a Glance
Price: $5 per month
Supports selling on social media
Best for previously built websites, small inventories, when only selling on social media, or adding products to a blog or creator website
Offers customer support mediums on social media (WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger)
Monetize a link to put inside social media bios
Order management