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Why Java Tops the Charts and Is One of the Most

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2023 8:29 am
by pahar2022
Victor Todorov graduated in computer science from VIA University, Horsens, Denmark. Worked for American and Danish companies before moving to iCuracy Group as a Senior iOS Developer. Its portfolio includes applications that work with UPS, Western Union and others. Since 2017, he has been a permanent lecturer at Advance Academy. Hi Victor, tell us what is studied in the JAVA Fundamentals course, what makes it the most sought after programming language? The Java Fundamentals course covers the development of desktop applications using Java, one of the most popular programming languages. The curriculum includes the development of interesting applications, starting from initial programming, making an interface, creating a connection between the interface and the code, to complete the product itself. Dedicated software such as Eclipse is used for this purpose. The course ends with the creation of a finished product.

Why is JAVA language so preferred by programmers? Java's capabilities are limitless. With this programming language we can create almost anything starting from desktop applications, Android mobile applications, server applications and many more. Thanks to this limitlessness, we can successfully assess and solve problems related to the improvement of people's lives. Are there any minimum requirements that prospective students must meet? There are no minimum requirements to start the course. All it takes to get started Morocco Phone Number List is desire and persistence. When is the next opportunity for those interested to enroll in the JAVA Fundamentals course? Anyone who wants to understand what Java can do has the opportunity to sign up for the course at the beginning of February. For 8 weeks we will practice and enter the world of Java. Why learn JAVA? 1. Easy to use Java is one of the most preferred languages ​​because of its simple syntax. Its commands are easy to debug, write, run, and decode. Many languages ​​like C and C++ have much more complex features.


Aspects like storage, operator overloading, classes, etc. are simplified in Java compared to other languages. 2. Easy to learn Java is quite an easy language to learn and can be understood in a short period of time as it has a syntax similar to English. 3. JAVA is one of the most popular and sought after languages ​​Java is one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world. It is used by about 9 million developers and runs on about 7 billion devices worldwide according to Oracle blogs. Due to the high demand for Java, Java developers are also in high demand and hold some of the highest paying jobs in the industry. In 2021, the most sought-after specialists are those proficient in JAVA. Enterprises in all sectors use Java, including major technology organizations such as Facebook, Google and Netflix. "Java goes where the money comes from" - Gartner Do you also want to start your professional JAVA training? We at Advance Academy have prepared a special program to transform you from a beginner to a Junior Java Developer. The JAVA Development Junior level professional program is specially designed for beginners and those with little experience.