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Email Marketing Improve Sales and Customer Service

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 4:57 am
by safi2021
Anyone who thinks that email marketing is dead or is an outdated strategy is wrong. Also wrong is the idea that investing in it is synonymous with filling your customers' inbox with spam. Email marketing actions can bring many benefits to companies, such as increased sales and improved customer service. To let you know more about it, we answer some common questions about it. Check it out below! What is email marketing? E-mail marketing characterizes any type of communication made by a company to its customers or prospects via electronic mail. Therefore, it can be informative, promotional, etc. Nowadays, it's rare to find someone who doesn't have an e-mail and people tend to open their boxes several times a day. For this reason, investing in messaging is a strategy that, if well executed, brings many benefits to businesses.

What is e-mail marketing used for in a strategy? An email marketing strategy can have several objectives, but the main one is to establish adequate communication with customers, who can be introduced to the products and services that a company sells. See some examples Singapore WhatsApp Number List of actions that can be developed from sending emails: If you also invest in content marketing and publish posts on your blog, you can notify your followers by email whenever there is a new one. If a person allows you to send them emails , it's a sign that they want to maintain a relationship with your company. She has already converted into a lead and wants to receive information to, perhaps, become a customer of your business. Establishing a relationship with customers after a sale is important for those people to buy from you again on future occasions.


An example of this can be seen when we receive satisfaction surveys, for example. What good practices should be adopted in an email marketing strategy? To prevent your messages from being seen as spam or deleted by recipients, some good practices must be adopted. See some of them: It is important that you have a standard language for your company's emails, as it happens in other media, such as social networks . The idea is to bring the customer closer to the style and reality of the company. Titles need to be brief and grab the reader's attention. Avoid using expressions like “promotion” and “offers”, as he may understand that you just want to sell something. In addition to persuasive headlines, the body text of the email must also be worked on. Invest in short texts, as people don't have time to read very long content. Clarity and objectivity must be maintained.