Times focuses on the world

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Times focuses on the world

Post by 00chandonat »

9. Hard Fork (English)
This podcast from The New Yorkof tech that changes every time you blink. Journalists Kevin Roose and Casey Newton discover and discuss the latest tech news every week.

AI is not left undiscussed here either. For example, this episode discusses the announced AI features at Apple's annual Developers Conference.

10. Reputation Inside
In Reputation Inside, podcast host Stef Heutink questions CEOs and professionals about reputation issues.

In this episode, host Stef Heutink talks to Pieter Struik, AI expert Turkey Phone Number founder of internet agency WebNL. The common thread: what does AI mean for our profession? Why is it a revolution and are our concerns about it justified?

11. Rethink
In the podcast Om Denk, Berthold Gunster (author of, among others, the book Om Denk) talks to his guests about problems and how they can make them smaller, make them disappear or... rethink them. Inspiring and you also learn something from it.


12. So, Resolved
In Zo, Solved, a 'complex' problem is central every week. What hosts Anna Gimbrère (science journalist) and Tex de Wit and Stefan Pop (comedians) solve with a lot of humor in just under 20 minutes. A taste of the issues covered:
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