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customer management is a decisive

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 11:12 am
by hasinaakter2567
Therefore, it is important that you are able to meet your customers' requests at any time of the day, which is why a digital sales automation system can give you the flexibility to gain a considerable advantage over your competitors. All these aspects take on even greater value when talking about the B2B sector. In this area, in fact, element for maximizing future sales possibilities.

For this reason, having the right timing and correct communication becomes even more important. Return to index Why you should care about sales automation According to Intercom Palestinian Territories Email List experts , every week the respective sales departments of thousands of companies and businesses (all over the world) dedicate approximately 65% ​​of their time to routine, administrative or, in any case, not directly related to sales activities “physics” of a product or service.


Only the remaining 35% of their working hours are used to interface with their customers , whether this happens in person in a physical store or in a virtual context, if the company in question has its own website. As you can imagine, these percentages reflect enormous untapped potential, because time and resources are not being used to their best advantage, in view of the objectives.