Google doesn't like doorway pages

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Google doesn't like doorway pages

Post by PNDatabase24 »

Needless to say, this is a clear violation of Google’s webmaster guidelines. Cloaking is the practice of presenting different content or URLs to human users and search engines. Cloaking is considered a violation of Google's Webmaster Guidelines because it provides our users with different results than they expect. But it also highlights a broader problem with Google’s assessment of content quality. Because we can use this tool to understand what Googlebot actually sees when it crawls the page. Google Bot Emulator Yes, a bunch of nonsense, obscure text. Specifically, nearly 5,000 words of plagiarized, gobbledygook… Word Counter…The phrase “free classified ads” is repeated 54 times, with a keyword density of 7%. I don’t quite believe I’m talking about keyword density in 2020, but here we are.

If I randomly select a sentence from the scraped content, I can find the original source. Scraped Text This also shows that there are literally thousands of these scraped websites using the exact same text, and they are all indexed by Google. Key Takeaways Google still hasn’t figured out how to identify hidden Macau Email List URLs, at least not in time before they’re indexed and ranked. Plagiarized text combined from multiple sources can (and does) rank. Google has trouble deciding what is and isn’t quality content. The content side is not as advanced as they would like us to believe and keyword density may still be an issue(duh) NOTE: The page in the screen recording was ranking for at least three days but now seems to be gone. However, it has been replaced by a new invisible page that ranks even higher.


Hide Results It’s a game of SERP whack-a-mole. 3. YMYL keyword cannot be ranked? Add a Doorway Page to Your Google Site You may have heard of Parasite SEO before. It involves setting up a page on a high-authority domain (sometimes legal, sometimes not so legal) and ranking that individual page for competing keywords based on the strength of the hosting domain. Typically, this page will be set up as a portal page that exists solely to link back to the money website. . A portal is a website or page created to rank higher for a specific search query. They are detrimental to users because they can result in multiple similar pages appearing in user search results, with each result ultimately taking the user to essentially the same destination. They may also direct users to intermediate pages that are less useful than their final destination.
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