Dealing with telemarketers can be frustrating

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Dealing with telemarketers can be frustrating

Post by shuklarani45623 »

but there are creative and humorous ways to handle these unwanted calls. Here are some things you can say to telemarketers next time they ring your phone:

“Sorry, I can’t talk right now – I’m in the middle of a reverse seance. I’m trying to contact the spirits of all the telemarketers who have called me before.”

“Thank you for calling, please hold while I transfer you to our automated telemarketer response system.”

“I'm sorry, I cannot make any decisions without my psychic advisor's approval. Can you hold while I consult with them?”

“I’m actually a telemarketer myself. Can I interest you Cambodia Phone Number in some homemade cookies while we chat?”


“I'm currently on the other line with a more interesting telemarketer. Can you call back later?”

“I’m sorry, but my pet alligator is loose in the house right now. Can I call you back after I find him?”

“I can’t talk right now because I’m in the middle of teaching my cat to play the trombone. Can I call you back when we’re done with practice?”

“I’m actually a secret agent and this conversation is being recorded for security purposes. Can you confirm your undercover code name for me?”

“I appreciate your call, but I’m currently conducting a study on the effects of telemarketers on blood pressure levels. Can you please call back in a few hours?”

“I’m sorry, but I’m in the middle of a staring contest with a wall. Can you call back after I’ve won?”

Remember, while it can be frustrating to deal with telemarketers, it’s important to remain polite and respectful. These responses are meant to add a bit of humor to the situation and hopefully give you a chuckle while dealing with these unwanted calls. How do you handle telemarketers? Share your own creative responses in the comments below!
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