Final Competition for the Students of the Year Long

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Final Competition for the Students of the Year Long

Post by pahar2022 »

Over the past weekend the traditional Code Challenge competition was held at Advance Academy . For the fourth edition in a row, this is the event through which we at the IT Academy celebrate together with the children their graduation. They have successfully completed their studies in the year-long Web Development Program for students in grades 5-12 . The event is both entertaining and competitive, always ending with lots of prizes. Code Challenge has become a tradition and iconic event of Advance Academy. Seeing how much satisfaction, fun and smiles it brings to the children, we were inspired to make this our celebration for the successful completion of the school year. At the beginning of the competition, each student received an individual task to develop. The assignments were on different topics - cinema, restaurants, sports, games, excursions and others. All participants, within a few hours, developed their unique Web sites and put into practice the knowledge gained from the course.

Our teachers also helped the students in the competition, who gave them guidance and advice and helped them to deal with the problems that arose during web development. The competition was held in compliance with all requirements for epidemiological measures by the team, teachers and students. This unique event is not just competitive or recreational. In it, children show their new skills and knowledge USA Phone Number List to their teachers, friends and parents. They also apply their presentation skills, exercise the ability to deal with problems on their own, look for a solution, ask the right questions, think logically, rationalize situations, apply creativity in the analogical. These so-called "soft skills" are one of the positives of programming for children. The children's courses of Advance Academy aim not only to teach the little ones to write and read in computer language, but also to develop a number of other personal skills and qualities. These skills and qualities that they will need in everyday life, future profession, relationships with people. Advance Academy's programming programs for children are innovatively created according to the STEM learning model, massively popular abroad.


It is based on the integration of 4 disciplines in one - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. From English STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). Instead of studying the four disciplines separately, they are integrated into one, showing the interrelationship between them, as well as their real application in life. What is different about STEM education compared to traditional education is the different learning environment. Humanity's technological progress is changing and facilitating not only the way we do our basic household activities and work, but also the way we learn and retain information. Applying all new knowledge, children memorize the new information permanently and long-term. They also learn how to apply logical and analytical thinking, rationalize, identify problems, find solutions to problems and think innovatively. In addition to the Web Development program for students in grades 5-12, you can also check out the programs for younger programmers - Computer Science for children in grades 1-7 , which also ends with the traditional Advance Academy event - Code Challenge.
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