Successful Completion for Students from Grades

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Successful Completion for Students from Grades

Post by pahar2022 »

During the past school year we welcomed the youngest students from 1st to 4th grade in the halls of the Academy. When we are having fun while learning new things and making new friendships, time flies by, so the Kano and Scratch Programming for Kids course has come to an end . And how were our classes? In the first week, we got up close and personal with the components of a computer. Each child took one apart and learned each component, what it was used for, what its function was, and why it was important to the normal operation of a computer. From there we moved on to another fun part of the course. Each student received an individual Kano Computer Set that was assembled and compared to the components of a real computer. The curriculum was introduced and worked with the "Make Art" application, with the help of which the children learned to draw lines, shapes and pictures. With Kano Word, we learned how to create animations and shapes. The most exciting and interesting part for our students was creating games with Scratch. create animations and games in a fun and easy way.

During the Scratch programming course , children will learn how the Scratch platform works and what can be done with it. They will create their first animation, draw scenery, add various sprites and create games. Programming with Scratch is easy, as the only skills kids need to have are to be able to operate a mouse and place the blocks in the correct order for the computer to execute the code that is set. The shape of each block suggests where and when it can be used. Scratch makes programming not only easy to learn, but Brazil Phone Number List also a lot of fun. As children place the blocks of code in the correct places, they can see the result and follow the steps to create their project. Programming develops creativity in children, as with the Scratch platform they create animations and games entirely based on their imagination. Learning exactly where to place the blocks of code to correctly execute the code they set also develops their logical thinking.


This Saturday all the students presented their favorite games that they developed during the school year. The games were of different difficulty, additional levels, for different numbers of players and with different themes, reflecting the children's hobby or favorite activity. During the performance, their parents and friends were in the hall. They were challenged by the students to play the various games and it turns out that it is actually not as easy as it looks. Despite the difficulties, each of them did excellently and at the end of the presentation they received awards and certificates for successfully completing the course. Thanks to Alex, Bobby, Joro, Danny, Laura, Misha, Michaud, Thomas and Rod for an interesting year full of programming, fun, games and new friendships. The Advance Academy team has been a pleasure to study with these wonderful children! If you also want to enroll your child in one of our courses, you can read more information here or contact us We are expecting you.
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