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The general formula for calculating the CES score

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 3:20 am
by mamunur2
After providing assistance via live chat What differentiates live chat from other communication methods is real-time resolution and feedback. Also, the waiting time is usually shorter than on-call. After providing a solution, you can display a CES survey in the live chat window and ask for real-time customer feedback. It will help you measure the effectiveness of your support agents in resolving customer issues in real time.

Even if you have automated chatbot support, you can Reunion Email List measure how easy it is to use it. For example, was the agent or chatbot able to help you resolve your issue? How easy was it to use the chat feature to resolve your query? Interpret the results. How is the CES score calculated? There is no clear industry standard for calculating the Customer Effort Score. You can use one of several methods to calculate and track it.


Method One is to find the sum of all responses. CES Customer Effort Score = Sum of all Customer Effort Scores รท Total number of respondents. For example, for the survey given below, assume that the individual responses are = , , , , , , , , , Total number of responses = Therefore CES = = To express the total score as a percentage of the total, you can multiply it by .