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Corporate culture in small business

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:35 am
by Sabuz111
They told us how they increased the conversion rate of the landing page: they found out from potential clients what turned them off, modified the landing page three times based on feedback, and found the option that best generates leads. IT-Agency , IT Agencies Case of PIK-Repair: increased conversion from landing page visitor to repair request by 3.8 times The information in the case is current for 2021. Client PIK-Repair is a company that does turnkey renovations in Moscow and Moscow Region: room measurements, design, procurement, delivery of materials and general cleaning at the end. At the moment, the service has renovated more than 350 apartments.

The project is part of the PIK group of companies, which is Email Marketing List engaged in the construction and sale of real estate in Russia. Task: improve the landing page so that it starts bringing in more high-quality applications Before launching the project, the PIK-Repair team researched their market to see if there was a demand for their service. Once the demand was confirmed, marketers began developing lead generation channels. Among them was a landing page. Despite the confirmed demand, the landing page did not work as it should: people visited it, but did not leave a request.


Because of this, the price per application began to grow rapidly, and the unit economics of the project no longer converged. We were invited to increase the conversion on a landing page from a visitor to a targeted lead. At first we had few orders, so the service did not pay off. Investors gave us three months to figure out why people weren’t coming to us and show the first results. After analyzing all acquisition channels, we saw that the problem was in the landing page. He converted few leads. We didn’t have enough resources to take it seriously on our own, so I turned to the IT-Agency with whom we had worked before. Kirill Polevoy, development director at.