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Technopolis of the Municipality

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 5:04 am
by whatsapp003
Veakio Municipal Theater September 5, Irodeion September 11, Koropi, Dexamenis Theater September 15, Elefsina, Old Olive Mill Performance photographer: Elina Yunanli Media information: 210 5288164, 210 5288196Full Moon Fiesta - Rendezvous with Katerine Duska, Minor Project, Matina Sous Peau - of Athens 08 July 2019 Technopolis of

the Municipality of Athens - Full Moon Fiesta Belize Email List Rendezvous with Katerine Duska and Minor Project in Technopolis The full moon will be brought to the sky by Matina Sous Peau's musical selections Wednesday, July 17, 2019 - Free entry Can't wait to go on vacation, but have a few (several) days left in Athens? Do you dream of a walk with your


friends under the full moon? Wouldn't it be fantastic to listen to your favorite Greek artists and dance at the same time? Summer is here and… Full Moon Fiesta is loading, people! Wondering where July's full moon will find you? But where else? The Technopolis of the Municipality of Athens is preparing for the 4th year in a row, the Full Moon Fiesta, the summer celebration - institution, and invites us to a date under the full moon.